Sturgeon Lake Lodge

Drive-In Lodge, Boat-In Outpost, Charter Hunting and Fishing

Summer: 1-416-427-8702
Winter: 1-807-344-8265

Camp Activities

SturgeonLakeLodge31There are beautiful beaches near by for swimming or sun bathing.

In the evenings visit our Sunset Cabin, all guest are welcomed to use it for a fish fry or to play cards, play pool or just sit and relax and enjoy everyone’s company. And of course bon fires, ever cabin has their own fire pit.

We have miles of hiking trails and the blueberry picking in the area is great.

A pancake breakfast with blueberries at $5.00 a person is offered to all guest, enjoy all you can eat pancakes and coffee. The pancakes are delicious and you might want to have these more then once.

We host a Fri. night barbecue for all the guest. This a great chance for everyone to get to know each other and swap fishing stories. It’s a lot of good food and fun.

The lodge has many outdoor games such as horseshoes, badminton, croquet and bocce to play. On the rainy days we have board games you can play in the Main “Sunset” Lodge or take to your cabin.


Call Today to Reserve Early

1-807-344-8265 (Winter) 1-416-427-8702 (Summer)

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